Thursday, May 28, 2015


It's around the corner. And honestly, I am unsure about how I'm going to work out the logistics. But this is not the point. This won't be a rant, rather a glance backward to long, warm days at the beach. Orange Crush. Boogie boarding. Huntington Beach. Swimming lessons at the YMCA in Long Beach. Long weeks in Baja discovering treasures along the secluded cliffs and beaches of the Mexican peninula. Longer weeks in Hawaii with my family. I have always loved the summer. It's all the more fun now with littles of my own. I'll be able to share some of these places and give them experiences of their own to call upon from this time in their lives. And enjoy it with them.

Whatever your plans for the next few months, take a few moments to soak it all in. Be happy!