Thursday, March 8, 2007

Gotta Love the Mac

I got a MacBook this week...and I love it. I can never go back to PC...there's just too many things about it that completely surpass my experience with other computers...With school and work, I've not had much time to just mess around with the thing and see what it can do. Last night I came home early from work because I felt like hud. After a lenghty nap I felt a little better and seized the perfect 45 minutes to give this baby a test whirl...and I discovered fun photo booth!! See the many pictures attached...I thought the warped ones were so dang funny that I had to share them. She may not be a pretty girl, but she sure has a GREAT personality! Mike and I thought perhaps I should post these to a site and see how it goes (hee hee!). Love you all!


Davis' said...

LOL!!! I am laughing hard at those. I think it would hilarious to post those on a dating website
I would love to see the pictures of the people who were interested. So post it up tonight, so while I'm there we can check it out. hahaha.

Tara said...

You are beautiful in every single one! Who knew you could be a circus freak and still be beautiful! ;)

Tiffany -- the mommy said...

These are so funny. You crack me up. I am so glad that you still have that sense of humor that I love and admire so much..